The Business Parents Organization

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Yes you can work when you have a disability

Today we are discussing ways you CAN work at home when you are disabled. We understand what it’s like to have hidden disabilities, because we have them! So, we know the struggle of it all.

Firstly understanding what your limitations and your capabilities are will help you understand what you can do, when you can do them and what your not able to do, because it will make you worse, or if you simply can’t.

Now that you know yourself you can figure out what sort of job will suit you the best in your situation, there is a ‘thing’ for everyone, even if it may seem ‘little’ For example if you are completely wheelchair bound and paralyzed, but can speak cognitively and your brain works fine, you would be perfect for answer calls and do tele sales for short periods. If you wheelchair bound, but you can use your hands and arms, you could do computer based tasks.

Get advice from career advisors, citizens advice, or disability employment advisor at your local job center. They can help you look for work at disable friendly companies and having flexible employers that can put support in place to help you work at your best ability and ensuring that they are following the 2010 Equality act. It’s important that you are transparent with your employer about your difficulties and disability.

You can start by focusing on training to develop your abilities and your skills to improve your confidence for work.

You may face a lot of stigma and have a lot of guilt and shame, but please know that you are not alone and that you are doing the best with what you have, no one can understand you better than you!

Ways you CAN work at home as a parent, with disabilities, or you are caring for a child with disabilities.

We understand how hard it is to juggle your health and work, because we do it too and that is why the TBPO was founded! Having barriers makes it more difficult and not everyone understands that, or the triple the work you have to do, to be a functioning member of society.

It’s important to understand that you do not have to work full time, especially if you are disabled, and you shouldn’t aim for that. if you only work 1 hour day, or 1 shift a week you are still working and contributing to society and that is admiral and enough.

Here are a few job ideas that you could do:

·       Writing such as blogging about life with disabilities ect.

·       Writing transcriptions if you have medical background with your disabilities, or child’s disabilities.

·       Tutoring and home schooling your disabled child, or other local disabled children so that the parents can work and vise vera.

There are more and more resources opening up for disabled persons, although it’s not quick progress, it’s progress as laws and employers are beginning to be more open to disabled workers, with managing their needs.

Working for yourself might be the right solution for you and we can help you, so please have a look at our website and resources and get in contact with us.

We hope this post gives you the information you need to feel inspired, empowered and educated.

The Business parents organization

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