“The Business Parents organization is important because I feel that everyone deserves high quality education at an affordable price and support, without being judged or left out due to barriers.“

The business parents organization founder Victoria

Victoria the person behind of The Business Parents Organization!

Hello and welcome to my little corner of the internet, let me introduce myself – I’m Victoria Louise Fenix and I’m the founder of The Business Parents Organization, established 2022.

Now, I could waffle on about my history in education and work, but I think that’s a bit boring (But if you are curious, it’s on my LinkedIn profile) Let me get straight to the point of how TBPO was created and why.

I founded my very first business when I was 25 years old in 2010 and I became a photographer. Little did I know that I was to become pregnant that summer and it was going to change my life (as it wasn’t quite in my life plan yet)  

Being a mother and a business owner is a juggle, especially with young kids and more so if you suffer from any barriers; such as being neurodivergent, having a learning disorder and having invisible disabilities (Which I happen to have all of!) So, during my time being a self-employed small business owner I struggled and there was so little support out there for dyslexics like me, juggling single motherhood, fibromyalgia, mental health issues and running a business.

I started making planners to help me keep organized and thought that these would be helpful for others, just like me, so TBPO was born, from overcoming barriers and building a successful photography business with the skills I have learnt and over a decades experience running a business, I provide workbook guides, planners and journals that are affordable, high quality resources for building a business and sustaining it successfully, whilst maintaining your mental health.

Come join us in working a job that you love the way you want!

Love and light, Victoria Louise.
