Top 5 Tips for Mums in Business

Being a mum in business can be hard work, it is definitely a juggling act! 

Here at The Business Parents Organization we understand how you feel and have built our business around supporting parents in balancing their business with their family life.

In this blog, we will go through our 5 top tips for mums in business, and how they can be most effective as a parent in business. Creating a work life balance is crucial and the key to success as a parent in business.

Working Mum

Here are our 5 top tips for mums in business:

Improving your work life balance

Having a healthy work life balance is key to reducing stress and having time to focus on yourself which will positively reflect on your work and business. 

It puts you in a healthier mindset for dealing with struggles in your business and allows you to tackle them head on, here is how you can improve your work life balance:

• Make sure you have 'me time' and use it to relax, recharge and take care of yourself.

• Prioritise family time over work commitments – remember that family comes first.

• Set aside some specific times during the day when you can focus on your business.

• Don't be afraid to say no

Give yourself time off

It's important to have time off, it is necessary for you to take breaks. 

Take a break from work and spend some quality time with your family or by yourself. You will return feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the tasks ahead.

Doing this also gives you time to reflect and return to your business with a clear mind.  More importantly, it gives you an opportunity to reconnect with your family and spend quality time together.

Mums in business networking events

Connecting with other parents, particularly mums in business allows you to connect and talk to people in the same position as yourself. This can provide reassurance and backing for your journey in business.

Through growing your connections and expanding your network within the community, you are likely to grow your support for your business and increase the number of people who can help you. By doing so, it is likely to develop your support and increase the number of people you can reach out to for help.

Additionally, by joining a group of mums in business, advice and tips can be shared on how they best run their business.

Sharing advice and encouragement is an effective way of developing each others knowledge on how best to manage your work-life balance and run a successful business as a mum.

Mum in Business

Ask for help and support when you need it

Having access to help and support when you need it is essential. This could be from family and friends, colleagues, or even a mentor. 

Having someone there to support you, who has been in the same position as you can provide valuable, realistic advice for your future, and can help to put your mind at rest.

If you are struggling, reach out for help and support. You will be glad that you did in the long run as it could save you time and energy in the future.

Through sharing problems, advice can be provided to find the best solution possible.

Always remember, a problem shared, is a problem halved.

Believe in yourself and your potential

Believing in yourself and your potential will help you to achieve whatever goals you set for yourself. You have the power to make a difference, whether it is running your own business or taking on a new challenge.

It can be difficult running any business, but with the right tools, resources and support systems in place, anything is possible.

Remember, never let anyone or anything stop you from achieving your dreams. You can do it!

Busy working mum

At The Business Parents Organization, we recognise the importance of having a healthy work life balance. We provide support and advice on how mums in business can thrive and be successful both in business and with their family life.

We understand that it can be difficult to manage a business at the same time as having a family, but with the right strategies in place, you will soon find yourself on the road to success.

Good luck!

We hope this post gives you the information you need to feel inspired, empowered and educated.

Please subscribe to our blog for updates on when we post for more fantastic tips.

The Business parents Organization.

Victoria Fenix

Mother, photographer and artist

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