3 tips for business people with ADHD

ADHD stands for Attenion deficit hyperactivity disorder. People with this condition can seem restless, possibly have trouble concentrating and seemingly act on impulse. Even if you have this condition, these simple tips can help you flourish in your business.

  1. Set up a dedicated workspace. Having a separate space for work will help you create a sense of structure and routine, and make it easier to focus. This space should be free of distractions, such as clutter, noise, and electronic devices. Stop the distractions before they start :)

  2. Create a schedule and stick to it. Having a set schedule will help you stay on track and avoid procrastination. Plan your day in advance, and block out time for specific tasks. Be sure to take breaks throughout the day to avoid burnout.

  3. Use tools and strategies to help you stay focused. There are a number of tools and strategies that can help people with ADHD stay focused, such as:

    • To-do lists: To-do lists can help you keep track of your tasks and prioritize your work.

    • Timers: Timers can help you stay on task by breaking down large tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks.

    • White noise: White noise can help block out distractions and create a more focused environment.

    • Mindfulness exercises: Mindfulness exercises can help you train your mind to focus and stay in the present moment.

It is also important to be patient and understanding with yourself. Working with ADHD can be challenging, but it is possible to be productive and successful. By following these tips, you can create a work-from-home environment that works for you and helps you achieve your goals. Our planners are designed for people with ADHD, to help you create a structure to the day and perform as best you can. Head over to the shop to pick one up.

These bonus tips are what my family does to help our family members who have ADHD:

  • Take breaks: Get up and move around every 20-30 minutes to avoid getting restless or fidgety. They are always happy to do the coffee run.

  • Exercise regularly: Exercise can help improve focus and concentration. He likes to run up to the top of the building (we have three floors) and back down again a couple of times.

  • Get enough sleep: When you're well-rested, you're better able to focus and stay on task. We have a set bed time routine and wake up routine. We find this structure helps immensely.

I hope these tips help you work from home productively with ADHD.

Victoria Fenix

Mother, photographer and artist 


4 Essential pieces of software


Working from home