The Business Parents Organization

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6 tips on how to start a business being a stay at home parent

How do you create a successful online business with you are a stay at home parent (SAHM) Yes it is entirely possible to work with a baby attached to you and toddlers around your ankles – so how do you do that?

Working from home can be a perfect solution if you have small children, or hidden and chronic illnesses. As a small business owner who is a parent with hidden illnesses we understand the struggle and we are here to help you!

Here are our top six tips:

1: Create your own dedicated workspace:

You cannot work on your couch or bed! Create a dedicated workspace, that you do not use for your homelife. If that means a desk in a spare room, garage, outdoor shed, or in the corner of the kitchen or living room. Make sure you have a comfy chair for your back! It will help you work better when your not in pain and working comfortably.

2: Create a routine that works for you and your family:

It doesn’t have to be 9-5! This might mean split shifts with your partner, working when your children are in daycare/nursery/school, or napping or having technology time. It’s easy to have no end when you work from home, or keep on doing home tasks, or the childcare. Work with your partner, or with a trusted person to help you create a schedule that works best for you – for instance if you work best at night time, schedule work for then and sleep when your kids are in nursery or school. If you work best in the morning, do it before the school run ect. Have a close door policy if you have one – if the door is closed you are in a meeting and cannot be disturbed.

3: Delegate jobs:

Household and work jobs! Yes, your partner needs to be proactive and help you out; if its one day your working they do the jobs, or if you cook, they wash the dishes and put away ect.

4: Network:

With other stay at home working parents – don’t feel isolated!

5: Plan for interruptions:

Like accidents and problem solve situations that might happen – you might be sick, your child might get sick, they might wake up from their nap, or not have a nap, they might interrupt a work call ect. What can you do in all these situations to keep calm and get the work done that you need to.

6: Utilize the right tools:

Like aps and technologies to help you automate your business as much as possible, including batch creating and scheduling, so you take up less time doing tasks and can spend more time with your family. Afterall, you are doing this to work for yourself, have better hours and be there for your kids. Knowing your why will help you in times that you are struggling, so have it up on your workspace.

We hope this post gives you the information you need to feel inspired, empowered and educated.

The Business parents organization.

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