Do you need a degree to start a business and how do you create a successful one without experience

Do you need a degree to start your own small business?

Nope you don’t! However, individual training can help you improve your skills, whether it’s going to your local community college, learning online, or investing in private workshops and training by industry leaders.

Though you don’t have to have a degree, you should be motivated to continually learn, to improve yourself by better healthier habits for a stronger mindset, or improving skills, customer service, keeping up with technologies and business skills.

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Can you start your own small business when you have very little experience? Absolutely!

However, you do need to be prepared to learn on the job!

Here is what we think is important for you to know and be prepared for when you want to start your own small business when you have little, to no experience:

1: Be prepared to learn new skills, this means learning how to be a business person, how to manage your finances effectively, improve any skills you already have, customer service management, juggling tasks and working with technology and learn from your mistakes.

2: Hire a mentor, it will be the best investment that you’ll ever do, because if you don’t know what you’re doing you won’t know how to make the best decisions.

3: Understand there will be a lot of trial and error, lots of mistakes to learn from, you will have to spend money and time on your small business, it will not come easily or quickly.

4: Make sure you do your market research and are fulfilling a demand (That you have a sellable service, or product and you can stand out in a busy market)

5: NETWORK, find a co-founder to help keep you accountable and manage your small business, outsource tasks you cannot do, network with successful business owners and get emotional support.

We hope this post gives you the information you need to feel inspired, empowered and educated.

So, are you inspired to start your small business idea?

The Business Parents Organization.

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Victoria Fenix

Mother, photographer and artist

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