How to understand business finance and choose a bank
How do you start a business properly? We discuss how to understand your finances and how to choose a bank when you are setting up your small business.

Why quick money making schemes are a bad idea
So, you want to make some quick money and keep seeing all these amazing money making schemes online and are interested in starting a print on demand, dropshipping or money making side hustle, today we discuss why it’s not such a great idea.

Why having a website and professional email address is important
Are you in business, or have a small micro, tiny, small business and run your business on Facebook, or instagram, or even tiktok. Today we discuss why you need a website, how to get one and why you need a professional email domain for your small business.

Why having a business strategy and writing a business plan is important
Do you have a business idea, want to start a small business and in the process of starting a new small business? Today we discuss why writing a business plan is important and so is having a business strategy and how to create a business strategy for your new start- up small business.

How to start a small business with no money and how it will effect your benefits (UK)
So, you’re on benefits but you’d like to work and you have a business idea and life to start to work for yourself, but how do you do it? Will working for yourself affect your business and how do you stat a small business with no money? We tell you how in this months blog!

Work ideas for teenagers and the legal requirements (UK)
Do you have a teenager, or are a teenager and your eager to work, whether you need extra income, or are a motivated young person. Todays blog post we discuss the UK legal requirements for teenagers and offer the best jobs.

Understanding setting up your business legally (UK) and all about taxes for your business
How do you set up a business properly? On this months blog post we discuss what the legal requirement are for setting up your business in the UK and talk through what taxes are, to help you.

Creating a Trustworthy Portfolio for Your Small Business
Have you got a small business idea and are in the process of starting your new business venture idea, how do you create a trustworthy portfolio to get people to start buying from you? Learn how to with our fantastic tips….

4 Essential pieces of software
4 essential pieces of software all small business should be using in their business workflow and process.

Things you don't need when running a business
What things do you not need to waste your time and energy on as a small business start up. Here we give you our best tips and advice.

8 fantastic marketing tips that generate guaranteed sales for every small business type
How do you efficiently market your small business? Here are our top 8 marketing tips that are guaranteed sales for every small business type.
Marketing tips your small business (That work!)
Marketing tips that work - Start up small business tips and support.

Our advice on how to run a successful small business
How to run your small business effectively. our top tips for new and struggling small business.