Why quick money making schemes are a bad idea

TikTok is full of ‘quick money making’ ideas like drop shipping tee-shirts and these are not always a good idea because:

·       Building a business is not an overnight task, it requires a lot of foundation work like market research and marketing.

·       Marketing your business in a crowded industry is hard work, when there are so many people doing it, because you really have to create a brand and to stand out to get sales, that takes a lot off time and effort.  

·       It’s not as cheep as you think it will be, there are a lot of hidden business costs like website hosting, card payment transactional fees, your time and effort and much more!

·       You have to have a business mind, or be prepared to improve your professional development to make good decisions, whilst improving your skills. Many people fail at their business because they simply don’t have what it takes to be a business person.

·       You don’t have the passion about what you offer and sell and that will show if you just want to make quick money.

·       Being able to go viral is not easy.

If you are wanting to make more money and have a business, make sure you are doing it for the right reasons, that you are ready for the commitment and able to take on the challenge, knowing that it won’t happen overnight.  

We hope this post gives you the information you need to feel inspired, empowered and educated.

The Business parents organization

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Victoria Fenix

Mother, photographer and artist 


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