How to brand your business efficiently and why it’s important

The importance of branding your business properly

Firstly you have to know what branding your business is. It’s not just your logo, your colors, text and the aesthetics of your small business but it’s much deeper than that, it’s your business purpose, core values and your business vision, mission and the vibe you give out to others.

“A brand is a product, service or concept that is publicly distinguished from other products, services or concepts so that it can be easily communicated and usually marketed.”

Which means making your small business stand out from the crowd, its more than your logo, colours and the text you use. It’s your unique selling point, it’s your core values, your promise to your customers, your business mission and vision, its how your customers experience buying from you and the vibe you give off with your personality.

It’s important to establish a good brand because it gives your business an identity against all the other business, it allows customers to choose you for what you offer and believe in, when they value what you stand for, helps you be more memorable to your customers and for them to know who you are.

You can create a brand by researching your offer and the industry, your ideal customers and what your competitors are selling and doing. Focus on creating a ‘personality’ for your business and at least 5 core values that your business runs from, including your promise to your customers and ensuring that you are consistent throughout.

Your brand is more than your logo, tag line, colors and text. Check out our affordable dyslexic friendly workbook guide on branding in our shop.

So, how do you grow your brand as a small business?

Here are our top 5 tips:

1: Understand your target clients (Who you sell to) and create your content and marketing message directed to them, in each stage of their buying journey, by speaking to your clients in your brand voice, in a way they understand.

2: Be consistent, this means not popping in and out to post whenever, I know its hard when your juggling a lot of tasks. The best way to do this is to batch create and schedule your social media and create as many automations as possible, to be consistent – including creating fool proof workflows, so nothing gets missed from your process.

3: Devote time on bettering your customer service; by learning online, or on courses. Provide feedback forms for your clients and review them and work on any concerns that come up. Your focus should always be your customer, because without them you do not have a business. Word of mouth is one of the best ways you can grow your business, so having fantastic customer service is paramount!

4: Word of mouth can grow your business and so can having a loyalty scheme to get clients to return to you for a freebie. Plus a referral scheme, allowing them to have a freebie for bringing in new clients. On top of enticing first time offers like 10% off your 1st offer, or free postage ect.

5: CONNECT it’s important to get social and connect with your customers, get them interacting with your business by asking them questions and playing games in your stories like this or that and little quizzes, Q&A ect. You must be replying to all your social media comments to show them that they are important to you.

We hope this post gives you the information you need to feel inspired, empowered and educated.

The Business Parents organization.

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Victoria Fenix

Mother, photographer and artist

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