How to start your week off right as parents running a small business

So you’re a small business owner and how do you start your week off right, especially if you work from home and are juggling your children. Yeah, we get it because we work from home with children and sometimes it’s hard, so today we are giving our best 5 tips on starting your week right as a small business owner.

1: Tackle your hardest and longest task first, to get it out the way and get the motivation to continue with your day, because that satisfying feeling of ticking something off your list.

2: Ensure you are batch creating your content, scheduling and automating your business, so it works for you, and you have to spend less time on tasks that don’t bring you in income, but are still necessary.

3: Don’t neglect your health! Set regular breaks, allowing you to have a proper healthy meal, drinking water (Helps boost concentration) and getting some exercise. Having these healthy habits will help with having good blood sugars and energy throughout the day, so don’t neglect them!

4: Create a routine that works for you; with triggers and alarms if needed to remind you to do things. For an instance the optimal time to do a task is 50 minutes, so grab a glass of water, stretch and move away from your screen, you’ll find you will be so much more productive. If your more motivated in the morning, do your tasks then, or in the afternoon ect.

5: Set your goals and your action tasks to achieve your goals.

We hope this post gives you the information you need to feel inspired, empowered and educated.

The business parents organization.

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Victoria Fenix

Mother, photographer and artist

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