The Business Parents Organization

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Why having a website and professional email address is important

Are you in business and have a email that you have had for years? Yeah, its not a professional look!

Tell your customers that you are serious about your business and have a professional email address such as info or your name @ your business name . your country.

You can get this from through google workspace or your website hosting platform like square space.

Having a professional work email address will also make sure you separate personal from work and create individual folders and a work flow for client inquiries, income, client correspondence ect. This will also be so useful for your book keeping.

Having a professional email address will also give you added benefits from your credibility, it’s safer, helps your Seo position and a good look for your branding and trustworthiness. Make sure you make it simple and clear, whilst only using letters and avoiding abbreviations and symbols, so it’s easier to type and remember for your audience.

If you have a small business, having a website is essential, even as a service provider.

A website allows your audience and clients know that you are a professional business, that you are serious about what you do and are trustworthy.

Building a website and an email subscriber list will help your business, should your social media go down, and you could loose everything. You will reach your ideal clients because they will be searching for what you offer and are more likely to be a good fit for you and educate your visitors of what you do.

You can expand your network by blogging, offering lead magnets and utilizing google ads for getting customers, whilst building your brand and credibility.

Your website can allow for extra information about your business and what you do such as FAQ, your core values, your business story, adding reviews and in depth product and service details. You can monitor your visitors and learn more about your demographic with your analytics including improving your customer experience by adding integration apps, customer service chat box and displaying your portfolio proudly.

There are several hosts to go with, our favorite ones are:

1: Squarespace.

2: WordPress.

3: Wix.

4: GoDaddy.

So, do you have a website for your business?

We hope this post gives you the information you need to feel inspired, empowered and educated.

So, are you do you have a professional email address, or do you need to get one?  

The Business Parents Organization